The Series: Shadows
Even good things have a shadow side. How do we recognize our shadows and still acentuate the good?
The Shadow Side of Following Jesus
How can there be shadow side to following Jesus?
The Shadow Side of Prayer
If God answered your prayer, would it only benefit you? Most of us would reflexively say, “No.” But really think about it. So many of us...
The Shadow Side of Doing Good
How can Doing Good be bad? Are you filling your ministry and your life with busyness that masks for doing good? Getting distracted by both the...
The Shadow Side of Love
How can love have a shadow side? In Christian circles, lust is known as a sin. And most of us would probably say that it is wrong. The problem is...
The Shadow Side of Church
Pride-filled people lose the ability to learn and grow. This can happen in church so easily. Pride-filled eyes. “I’ve seen it all before.”...