Reading Plan
Weekly Reading Plan: Extraordinary
Grab a full Advent book at your campus! Below are the weekly readings from that book.
Week OneĀ
Isaiah 9:1-7
Isaiah 40:1-5 and John 1:19-23
Isaiah 42:1-9
Isaiah 60:1-3
Isaiah 61:1-3
Week Two
Luke 1:5-25
Luke 1:26-38
Luke 1:39-56
Isaiah 9:5
Isaiah 26:1-3
Week Three
Isaiah 9:2-4
Isaiah 40:9
Luke 1:57-66
Luke 1:67-80
Luke 2:8-15
Week Four
Matthew 1:18-25
John 3:1-21
1 John 4:7-12
1 Corinthians 13:8-13
Revelation 5:1-14