Young Adult Ministry

We are a group of young adults (18-30ish) in pursuit of building community – both within Revive and the greater WNY area – to explore our faith and navigate life in your 20s and 30s together. Whether or not you have a relationship with Jesus, you are welcome here!



Join us for a night of worship once a month with young adults from Revive and other churches across Buffalo. Young adults from all churches and walks of life are welcome to experience Jesus Christ through worship, prayer, and community.

We get together the first Monday of each month @ 7:00 pm, usually at the Revive McKinley campus. Every couple of months, however, we take things beyond the walls of Revive to worship in other churches and communities. Our goal in doing this is to grow and connect with the greater young adult community in Buffalo. Make sure to check the Events calendar or follow the Instagram (@resonateworship_bflo) for the latest updates!


Our community groups are the heart of young adult ministry. These small groups provide opportunities to connect with others, develop friendships, explore God’s Word, and walk through life together. Please contact Kim Smith at  if you’re interested in joining a community group or would like more information.


Follow @resonateworship_bflo on Instagram to stay up-to-date on all things Resonate and YA. If you want more information or want to get involved, email Dominique Detwiler at 

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Intercessory Prayer and Worship

Campus: South Creek

Membership Class

Campus: McKinley

Healing Prayer & Praise

Campus: McKinley,  Bayview Chapel
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