4999 McKinley Pkwy, Hamburg, NY 14075
Services: Sunday 9:00 & 10:30 am
Kids Ministry: ages 0-3 at 9:00 am; all ages at 10:30 am
All of our campuses are open to anyone to come as they are. We even have an online campus if you’re more comfortable watching from home. All campuses offer live teaching by a pastor or member of our teaching team. No matter where you choose to attend, you are still part of this family known as Revive Wesleyan!
4999 McKinley Pkwy, Hamburg, NY 14075
Services: Sunday 9:00 & 10:30 am
Kids Ministry: ages 0-3 at 9:00 am; all ages at 10:30 am
4999 McKinley Parkway, Hamburg, NY 14075
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
Kids Ministry: Sunday 10:30 am
2063 South Creek Road, Eden, NY 14057
Services: Sunday 9:00 & 10:30 am
Kids Ministry: Sunday 9:00 am
11 W Main St, Springville, NY 14141
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
Kids Ministry: Sunday 10:30 am
364 Main St, East Aurora, NY 14052
Services: Sunday 9:00 & 10:30 am
Kids Ministry: ages 0-5th Grade at 9:00 am and 10:30 am
Our services feature roughly 25 minutes of worship music and a 25-30 minute message delivered live by a member of our teaching team. The lyrics to the songs are up on the screen so you can follow along even if the music is new to you. That’s it! The music is contemporary at McKinley, South Creek, Springville & East Aurora. In the Bayview Chapel, we feature a more traditional selection of hymns and vocalists.
We typically celebrate communion once a month. We practice open communion, meaning anyone who has placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their savior is welcome to participate.
We offer free programming for kids at each of our campuses during Sunday services. Your child will engage with the Bible and God in a way he or she can understand. Kids ministry runs at different times at different campuses, so check the Kids page for those details. We also have a robust Youth Ministry for middle and high school students.
No, our services don’t feature any uncomfortable spotlight moments. We invite you to come in, sit where you like, and engage as much or as little as you want. We hope that over time, you’ll come to consider Revive Wesleyan your home!
You can dress down or up. Most attendees are in casual attire.
Nope. While we do have membership available as an option to people who feel Revive Wesleyan is their home and want to be connected on a deeper level, it is by no means a requirement to attend or participate fully in our ministries.