Kids Ministry

Kids Ministry is the way we pour into the next generation. Our goal is to partner with parents and provide an environment and a community where kids can get to know Jesus.

Children's Church (Kindergarten - 5th Grade) meets during:
10:30 am service at McKinley, Springville, and East Aurora
9:00 am service at South Creek

(Note: McKinley offers rooms for children ages 0-3 at 9:00 am and East Aurora has rooms for kids ages 0-Kindergarten at 9:00 am)

We utilize the Orange Curriculum to provide activities and lessons for all ages that introduce them to Jesus and teach them stories from the Bible.

It is our goal to provide a safe environment for all children so that their families can feel comfortable going to adult service. We have a check-in system to ensure that. You and your family members receive badges that need to be matched at pick-up time to ensure that children only go home with the correct family member or guardian. We also have several procedures and policies in place. Learn more about those by clicking the button below!


We should also mention that we always have a lot of fun as well! It is our belief that God wants us to enjoy church! We look forward to meeting you and your child next Sunday!


Dedicating your child to the Lord is an important spiritual milestone in your family. During child dedication, you make a series of commitments to:

1. Acknowledge your child as a gift from God and commit to loving your child unconditionally.
2. Desire your child to love God by following Jesus and understand that you, the parent, are and will be the primary influence and example.
2. Partner with God’s family, the church, and commit to regular involvement in the community life of the church.

We hold child dedications throughout the year, often on the fifth Sunday of a month during service. If you would like to sign up for the next one, please click the button below!

Sign up for child dedication


Parents, we are here to support you as you raise your kids and teach them about God! We offer a class a few times throughout the year as well as other support materials. Visit our Parenting page.










What if the best way for a kid to know God is to know someone who knows God? Serving with our Kids Ministry is a great way to impact these young lives…and it doesn’t take a certified teaching degree to do so! When you serve with a ministry, it doesn't just benefit those you're serving. It also fills you up! Our volunteers learn and grow through their service. If you're a parent of a young family, this is also a wonderful way to meet other families in the same stage of life as you. Join us!  Email Allison Carr

Volunteer with us!



Tuesday Nights at Revive

Campus: McKinley,  Bayview Chapel

Family Fun Night: The Easter Story

Campus: McKinley

Tuesday Nights at Revive

Campus: McKinley,  Bayview Chapel



Michelle Borrello

Weekday Preschool Director

Allison Carr

Multi-Site Children's Pastor

Joelle Deubel

South Creek Kids Ministry Coordinator

Mary Hardegen

Early Childhood Director

Krista Held

Kids Ministry Admin

Sydney Hensel

East Aurora Kids Ministry Coordinator

Janice Hood

Childcare Director

April Keyser

Springville Kids Ministry Coordinator