The Series: Origins
This Is the origins of pursuing the Father, proclaiming the name of Jesus, and learning how to participate with the Holy Spirit by reordering our desires to align with God’s.
Abraham Tested
God tests us to see if He is first in our lives.
God Sees & Hears
God sees and hears you, no matter who you are.
The fact is that none of humanity has been able to hold up its end of the bargain with God. So, God takes it all upon Himself and asks us to have...
A Tale of Kingdoms
Giving hands know joy and freedom that grasping hands will never know.
Let's Make a Name for Ourselves
Pride is the tipping point where the scale leans toward, “let me make a name for myself” versus “I will trust & cooperate with God’s making a...
Noah: The Restart
God’s love is shown through His mercy and His judgement.
Cain & Abel
Sin has consequences that we journey through life with, but we do not journey through them alone, God is with us, protecting us and loving us.
Where are you?
The origin of sin, and sin still today, has its roots in us individually liking to get our own way.
The Origins
Our story & worldview is to begin in the good creation God made and wanted (Genesis 1 & 2), not in