The Series: Disciple-Making
Disciple-Making requires the action of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. But is alos requires action on the part of the body of Christ. The Church. You and me. Let's learn together how we can be disciples who make disciples!
The Great Commission
Jesus is working through us, helping each of us to be disciples that make disciples. We embrace the Great Commission in light of the Great...
The Great Commandment
The greatest commandment of Jesus is, in a way, the only commandment of Jesus. All the other commandments in the Bible are extensions of that one...
The Cost
Jesus followers understand that to gain everything Jesus offers, we need to be willing to lose everything the world offers.
Yoked with Jesus
We share in Christ's work and rest. Let's grow deeper in our practice of being still before God and receiving his sabbath rest.
The Invitation
Maybe it's time to finally, finally, surrender to the invitation and follow Jesus. Being Jesus' disciple means responding to his invitation to follow...