
The Series: Bold

How do we live a bold faith in the midst of the every day as well as in the midst of hardship and joy? 

A young girl (Ruth), pretty much an outsider, makes a radical commitment to God--shown through her loyalty to her bitter mother-in-law, Naomi. With God’s providence and protection, combined with a human decision of obedience, loyalty and generosity, we see a terrible situation redeemed (that also points to the redemption we all need. Essentially, “Seemingly unimportant people at apparently insignificant times--later prove to be monumentally crucial to accomplishing God’s will.” 

Everyday Boldness

God made a way for us to be redeemed, to be brought back to Himself, through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Bold Obedience

We can faithfully trust God’s provision, protection, and providence.

Bold Devotion

Everyday Boldness looks like the small, courageous actions of devotion people take in their daily lives to love God & to love others.