The Series: Heart Check: Press On
Trust in God leads to bold action.
Heart Check:Press On | Week 7 - The Fifth Chair
Commitment Weekend
Heart Check: Press On | Week 6 - Heartbroken
The needs of people broke Jesus’ heart, and he wants us to feel that same compassion for others as well.
Heart Check: Press On | Week 5 - Investing
As we face the uncertainties of life, the Bible calls us to stand firmly upon our Good Confession to maintain a steady faith.
Heart Check: Press On | Week 4 - God's Generosity
God is generous to us in many ways, so we should be generous to others in return.
Heart Check: Press On | Week 3 - Biblical Justice
God’s justice is being accomplished through the establishment of His Kingdom around the world.
Heart Check: Press On | Week 2 - Love & Acceptance
We press on with Heart Check even in dark times because we love people.
Heart Check: Press On | Week 1 - Trusting God
Trust in God leads to bold action.