The Series: Being Human
This Christmas we celebrated the coming of Jesus into this world. We hope you had an incredible celebration. But why is it worthy of celebration?
Because Jesus fully entered into this world. Think about what that means. He understands you! He understands your humanity.
Control Freak
It's the final weekend of our series Being Human. It has been an excellent month of examining the impact of Jesus being fully human has on our...
Temple Tantrum
Anger. Is it a sin? If it is, why did Jesus display anger in the Temple? We continue this series investigating Jesus as fully human today by...
Pain and Loneliness
Was Jesus vulnerable about his feelings, good and bad, during his time on earth?
Jesus was interrupted during his time on earth. Constantly. How did he deal with it? How do we and should we handle interruptions? You may be...
Jesus Understands
This Christmas we celebrated the coming of Jesus into this world. We hope you had an incredible celebration. But why is it worthy of celebration?...