In 2023 we want to be a church that grows up in our faith. Who experiences the beauty and the boldness and the wonder of our saviour. And we're not content to simply stay still and stagnant as we have before. When understand how good, remarkable and holy our God is, we can't help but grow up in our faith and become more like our saviour.
The Armor of God
We are in a battle for our heart, soul, & mind as our enemy, Satan, seeks to steal, kill & destroy us.
Submission frees us from the terrible burden of always getting our own way.
A transformation from our old self into our new self, which exemplifies the righteousness and holiness of God, requires a lifetime.
Because of our IDENTITY in Jesus, our UNITY is lived out and made possible by our DIVERSITY.
One in Christ
Jesus replaced the old way to God with a new way to God, tearing down any walls of division.
Made Alive in Christ
We are made alive in Christ even when we were dead in transgressions.
Gift after Gift after Gift
In 2023 we want to be a church that grows up in our faith. Who experiences the beauty and the boldness and the wonder of our saviour. And we're not...