The Series: 100 Day Challenge
100 Day Challenge
For this week's all-campus online servce click the 'Watch" button.
1, 2 & 3 John, Jude & Revelation
For this week's all-campus online servce click the 'Watch" button.
James, 1 & 2 Peter
For this week's all-campus online servce click the 'Watch" button.
Titus, Philemon, Hebrews
For this week's special all-campus online servce click the 'Watch" button.
1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy
For McKinley video with Pastor Ken Nash click the 'Watch" button.
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians
For McKinley video with Pastor Paul Gartley click the 'Watch" button.
2 Corinthians
For McKinley video with Kristen Farrell click the 'Watch" button.
1 Corinthians
For McKinley video with Pastor Paul Gartley click the 'Watch" button.
For McKinley video with Pastor Ken Nash click the 'Watch" button.
Acts of the Apostles
For McKinley video with Pastor Kevin Beers click the 'Watch" button.
For McKinley video with Pastor Ken Nash click the 'Watch" button.
For McKinley video with Steve Dunmire click the 'Watch" button.
As you read this week, look for two things Matthew is doing: 1.) Showing us how Jesus connects the Old Testament to current events and 2.) Describing...
Scripture Is Useful For...
A prelude to the 100 Day Challenge!