The Lenten Season

Lent is the 40-day period of preparation leading up to Easter and the celebration of Jesus's resurrection. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and is a season of repentance, moderation, and fasting as we prepare our hearts to grasp and celebrate the glory of Easter.

This Lent, we will be teaching a series titled The Promise: One Last Chance. In John 14 we read about Jesus' last few moments with his disciples.  This is his last chance to remind them of who he is, what he has taught them and to encourage them as their world is about to be turned upside down. What would you say to those you love if you had one last chance? Most likely, it would be the most important things that you would want your loved ones to remember.

See below for the services we'll be celebrating during this season.

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Family Fun Night: The Easter Story

Campus: McKinley

Good Friday

Campus: McKinley

Easter Sunday

Campus: McKinley,  Bayview Chapel,  South Creek,  Springville Crossing,  East Aurora