Sam is a young man who began leading a Bible study for high school boys recently and shared his experience with us:

"I started serving as a leader at The Hub around a year-and-a-half ago. Last year, I was approached with the idea of starting the Bible study. This was my first time leading a Bible study, and it's gone really well. We have a small group of committed guys who come once a week who want to learn more about the Bible. We've had really good discussions about living out our faith and how hard that can be among unbelieving teens now. I've seen some of the guys have a deep understanding of their faith at a young age. My parents raised me with Christian values, but I didn't really make my faith my own until I was 19, so I can relate to a lot of what they're going through.

We started with Bible studies on RightNow Media and those are great. When we don’t have a specific study, I ask the guys for a suggestion - either a book of the Bible or a topic they are facing and wondering about."

What led you to say yes?

"Obedience. I wanted to take on a leadership role. The Bible tells us to make disciples. It was intimidating at first, but I knew the only answer honoring to God was to say yes and go for it. He’s been faithful to honor everyone involved and multiply our faith. It's helped me grow as well, seeing these disciples made--not by me--but by God working through me."

How did you get started serving at Revive?

I've been part of our video production team for awhile. Getting involved in production is great if you’re nervous. You can start to get to know people. As you build relationships, you'll find new ways to serve and take on more responsibility. 

If you'd be interested in serving at Revive like Sam, learn more about opportunities to join a team.