What We Believe

Wesleyans believe in one God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the Savior of all who put their faith in him alone for eternal life.

We believe that those who are made new in Christ are called to be holy in character and conduct and can only live this way by being filled with the Lord’s Spirit.

We believe in the Bible and its sufficiency to establish our faith and conduct.

We believe God wills for people everywhere to know him and be made new in Christ.

We believe that the purpose of the Church is to worship God in spirit and in truth, and to reach a lost and fallen world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through its worship, witness and loving deeds.

We are part of the Wesleyan denomination. Learn more about the Wesleyan Church here.


We keep the eternal truth of Scripture central because it is God-inspired and authoritative for salvation and all matters of Christian living. (2 Timothy 3:16-17 Matthew 24:35 Hebrews 4:12-14)

We connect directly with God individually and collectively. At all times we listen, repent, lament, give thanks and intercede for ourselves and others through the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 6:18 Luke 18:1-8 Philippians 4:6)

We worship God every day in awe and wonder with our thoughts, speech and actions. (John 4:24 Romans 12:1 Psalm 95:1-7)

We fulfill the Great Commission of making disciples in the spirit of the Great Commandment. (Matthew 28:19-20 Matthew 22:36-40 Ephesians 4:11-13)

We give our time, talents, and resources to others because of God’s love for us. (Acts 20:35 1 Timothy 6:18)

We welcome anyone into our church, homes and hearts. (Matthew 25:35-36 Romans 12:13 Acts 15:19)

We go to those outside of our inner circles and geographic locations to show the love of Jesus. (Acts 1:8 Matthew 28:19-20 Mark 16:15)